Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar (Emppu)
Electric Guitar (muted]

Bass (Marco)
Acoustic Bass

Drums (Jukka)

Keyboard (Tuomas)
String Ensemble 2

Vocals (Annette)

Male Vocals (Marco)
Lead 1 (square]

Synth Choir (Tuomas)
Synth Strings 2

Orchestra I

Orchestra II

Orchestra III
Muted Trumpet
Fi-na+lly the hills are with--out eyes they are ti-red of pa-in-ting a dead man's face red with their o-wn blo--od. They used to love ha-ving so much to lose bli-nk yo-ur eyes just once and see e-very-thing in ru-ins. Ja-cob's ghost for the gi-rl in white Blind-fold fo-~or the blind, Dead si-blings wan-ting the dy-ing e~--~arth Noose a-round a cho~--~king heart E-ter-ni-ty to~--~rn a-part So toll now the fu-ne-ral bells. How blind can you be, don't you see... How blind can you be, don't you see... How blind can you be, don't you see... That the gam-bler lost all he does not have.